Space: 1999 (1975–1977)
Quasi Science at Its Best
26 April 2014
On September 13th, 1999, the Earth has stored nuclear waste on the Moon. Moonbase Alpha with a colony of over 300 is placed in grave danger. Magnetic radiation builds up on the base causing the Moon to blast out of the Earth's orbit, flying out into deep space. The moon colony is forced to face the unknown adventures in space on their moon, coming across strange new life forms and strange civilizations.

Silly science inaccuracies aside, the acting is better than average for any series in that era. The effects are also quite better than most offered on television in that whole decade. Even "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century", that came out a years after this one, didn't have much better effects or plots.

If you are not all discriminating about pseudo science, watch some Space:1999. I consider some of the episodes such as "Earthbound" to be a lot better than most of the original "Star Trek" series. The other space operas I equate this show with would be "Battlestar Galactica", "Lost in Space", "UFO" (same creator), and "Farscape". All held their fair share of viewers back in the day.
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