Gringo Trails (2013)
Topical documentary on backpacker tourism.
7 May 2014
Great documentary film about the effect of backpacker tourism on more remote areas of the globe. For the past 25 years, backpackers have flocked to far flung destinations like Thailand, the Amazon. etc. While these travelers' intentions may have been well-meaning, their impact on the native populations and environment has been harmful in many ways.

Through archival footage, the filmmakers are able to visually show the detrimental effects of unchecked tourism. By interviewing both backpackers and residents of the communities affected, the audience is able to come to its own conclusions on a growing global issue. This documentary appears to have been years in the making, so the viewer is able to see the pace of change, too. I really enjoyed the look and use of animation in the story-telling. The documentary is particularly relevant as the world becomes more connected.

This well-balanced look at a growing problem is alarming in a very understated way. Kudos to Pegi Vail and Melvin Estrella for their excellent presentation of this subject matter.
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