Star Trek: Whom Gods Destroy (1969)
Season 3, Episode 14
Loony Bin #2
8 May 2014
This is the second episode where bad things are happening in an asylum. Obviously, thing have not changed much in about 400 years. They're still locking people up. The patients are abused. Every kind of malady is treated the same way. In this one, a man named Garth, a former starship captain has gained control of the facility, driving the iconic administrator out. Garth is monumentally cruel. He is a total narcissist, caring only for himself and using the other patients for his own purposes. This pretty much forces Kirk and Spock to deal with a totally irrational man. They must decide life and death situations concerning the other patients and bear the cruelty of Garth. The end is a bit anticlimactic and pulls some of Garth's responsibility off the table. It's hard to see his villainy when it is revealed that he is not responsible for his mental illness.
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