The Oscars (2014 TV Special)
A Show I Can Do Without – Annually
13 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Why interrupt good programing with this twaddle? When I was a kid I watched, 'The Oscars' all the time – it wasn't because they were necessarily fun, the stupid channel-selection sucked. Now-a-days, I take advantage of my available options and record shows like this for later viewing. Which reminds me - my first award goes to the 'Fast-Forward-Button,' come on down Mr. Button. I would like to say, 'Thank you so much for being the best crap-cutter out there.' Honestly, I can't stomach all that 'Academy-Award-Winning' self-aggrandizing and endless bloviating. Although I did notice at the beginning of the program that Ellen was handing out pizzas – how poignant - now that is so special – good for her. Kind of an empty gesture, though – I am sure all that food could have fed some pretty hungry folks - hubris aside - it did have a detached flavor of humor to it. I was very shocked Matthew McConaughey survived the night. Talk about getting dumped on. He should know better. Matthew is not allowed to have a spine nor is he permitted to think for himself. Unlike Sally 'I've Got Such a Potty Mouth' Field and her rehearsed, phony slip-of-the-tongue cussing episode. I think that occurred a few 'Oscars' back, Matthew actually gave a very brave speech. He may have lost a few acting jobs, but anything he does in the future, I will go out of my way to watch. Ah well, I wish I had more positive things to say about the A.A.s - but I don't. Not to worry though, there are plenty of negatives. It is always way too long; there are way too many awards, too predictable, too many gross pats on the back, and I guess I am just not interested. My grade for the program is a 'MEH ++.' If I actually sat through a live version, the two '+s' would be gone. Spoiler Alert - If there are no 'Oscars' next year, I won't miss them.
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