Doll Face (1945)
Most interesting as a platform for the rising Como
13 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very B picture. Nothing spectacular about it, although the story is fairly decent, and is based on the life of Gypsy Rose Lee (played here as "Doll Face" Carroll by Vivian Blaine). Of course, it's highly fictionalized...and I do mean HIGHLY fictionalized! Top billing goes to Blaine, which was a pretty decent actress and singer. No, not "A" line, but darned pleasing. Dennis O'Keefe is Blaine's love interest...another B actor, not as impressive as Blaine. Carmen Miranda is along for some fun, though I never understood the attraction. As mentioned, Joe E. Lewis's wife -- Martha Stewart -- plays Como love interest; also she does "okay", it's clear she was not destined to have a very extensive movie career.

But as I mentioned, for nearly 2 years Perry Como had been a rapidly rising singing star with multiple million sellers. This was his first film, and his role was only third billing. Como was a natural on television, and television shows starring male vocalists were all patterned after his success. But, he was far from being a "natural" on the big screen, and while he does okay, his acting leaves a bit to be desired. But his voice here is a strong baritone, and he does nicely soloing or dueting on several numbers -- Perry Como and Martha Stewart on "Somebody's Walking in My Dream", Perry Como solo on "Red Hot and Beautiful", Perry soloing on "Here Comes Heaven Again", Perry and Vivian Blaine on "Here Comes Heaven Again", and Perry Como and Martha Stewart on "Dig You Later (A-Hubba Hubba Hubba)" (which became a Como solo and million seller on RCA Victor records).

So, sit back and enjoy a rising Como, a halfway decent story, and a nice performance by Vivian Blaine.
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