Big Disappointment
25 May 2014
Yes, it's great to see Chita Rivera, and Joel Grey is OK, but Marin Maizie is just your typical Broadway belter with little character or appeal, and Jason Daniely is downright embarrassingly BAD. Not only is he totally lacking in personality or appeal (if he's gay I feel sorry for his boyfriend), his voice has a heavy vibrato, and he often goes off pitch. What he is doing here (or anywhere for that matter) is beyond me. He manages to totally destroy one of their best songs, Maybe This Time. As for Rivera and Grey, well, they deliver the goods well enough, but both are well beyond their good years. And Maizie is mostly dull as the proverbial dishwater. In fact, one would the thing the guy narrating and accompanying the singers had it in for Kander (Ebb is long since dead) and this was his revenge. And where was Liza? Yes, she too is over the hill, but I'd rather hear her than Daniely or Maizie any day.
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