Two new students at an art school decide to film a year of high school to see if it is worth remembering.
28 May 2014
Normally I gauge a movie in a few different ways when it is either really good, or really bad. When a film is just okay however, I think to myself, "Was watching this movie worth my time?" I am an average guy in his mid 20's with an average job, so my time isn't as precious as some, but I do dislike wasting my time on utterly terrible cinema. I watched High School Record today on Netflix and as ambiguous as it may be, I can say, "It's wasn't particularly good, but it was worth the time I spent." High School Record is a pseudo mockumentary about two high school students filming an entire year of school because as they put it, most people say high school was a blur and they want to see if something worthwhile can be found. You don't find out too much about the students filming, aside from the few lines they have, and the music they play in the movie, which I must say is not bad at all. Other characters, who each get their own segments, are somewhat interesting. There were some humorous parts of the movie, a few lines I might remember for a week or so, but nothing outstanding.

I have read in other reviews how amazing this movie is because it is so true to life, but honestly, I don't buy into that concept. These actors seemed about as close to high school students as Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. From girls having armpit hair, even the popular girl (which sure was a no-no when I was in school), to the dialogue, to the interactions with each other...all seemed fake. Buuuut it is set in an art school so maybe that is how artsy kids act, who knows? The one saving grace of this movie is that it didn't try to be something it wasn't, there was no big realization or boomboxes being held up outside of houses. It wasn't a Pretty in Pink or a Breakfast Club, it wasn't even a She's All That...it was what it was, actors attempting to play awkward high school students and one goofy free spirited teacher. Sometimes it is nice to just watch a movie, not have to think, and giggle at the few good jokes and remember how much you hated high school.
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