A great entry in the series
2 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I gotta say and this is probably gonna sound pretty pathetic but I think That I can do at least a decent job justifying this. These Marvel movies have gotten to the point where they take up a decent chuck of my life. Now let me try to make that sound less pathetic real quick. I LOVE movies I love becoming immersed in different worlds to the point of where the real world does not exist for the 2 and a half hours that I'm watching a good movie and Marvel has done an amazing job building this world and Captain America the Winter Soldier is yet another amazing piece of the worlds story. I have loved all of the MCU movie so far (yes even Iron Man 2) but The Winter Soldier has probably had the biggest impact on the MCU next to The Avengers. So between actually seeing these movies and reading new details about upcoming movies I spend a fair amount of time on this movie world.

As soon as this movie starts you know that you are in for a different kind of superhero movie. This movie plays out more like a spy movie than a superhero movie. It's like if James Bond was a superhero. This movie is full of rather unconventional superhero action a lot like the first one was but I think it was done much better in this one. Instead of massive and over the top fights the big battles in this movie (Involving Captain America anyway) are more like watching super powered UFC fighters going at it. Aside from the fight scenes the rest of the action is also really well done. A great example is a very intense car chase/shoot out involving Nick Fury.

When there is not crazy intense action going on this movie has a very eerie tone to it. With all the mystery surrounding shield and the supposed death of Nick Fury Cap has no idea who he can trust and that gives this movie an eerily calm sense of urgency to stop whatever bad things may be coming. One of my personal favorite scenes in the entire movie is when Cap and Black Wdow find out the Shield has had HYDRA growing within the organization from the very start. When Arnim Zola is explaining how HYDRA infiltrated Shield you really get a feeling like wow this is really bad ( if your immersed in the world anyway). The overall plot of this movie just shakes the foundation of the entire Marvel world and it's really awesome to see that. When the movie ends you kinda get this feeling like the hero's lost which does not really happen that often in superhero movies.

Now I definitely need to talk about my favorite villain sense Loki. The Winter Soldier is just an amazing villain who you can really sympathize with. He's brainwashed and forced to be a Russian assassin for around 70 years before Captain America is finally able to at least begin to save him in the end of this movie. The actor who played him as well as all the actors did an amazing job in their rolls and seeing as how Sebastian Stan has signed on for 9 more movie that is a very good thing. I can't wait to see him in future movies grow as a character even more than he did in this movie. There are rumors that he will replace Chris Evans as Captain America in the future and with a 9 film deal I think that that rumor is probably true. I really look forward to seeing him transition over from a villain to one of the most important heroes in the franchise.

So overall Captain America the Winter Soldier was a really fun time at the movies and a great installment in the MCU. Given everything that happened in this movie I really can't wait to see what kind of state the world is in at the start of The Avengers Age of Ultron.

I'm giving Captain America the Winter Soldier a 10/10
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