Review of Neighbors

Neighbors (I) (2014)
2014 good year for comedy so far
4 June 2014
Neighbors is the first comedy on my list of movies to see in 2014 and so far so good. I remember when I first saw the trailer for this movie a while back I saw Zac Efron and thought... nope but I also saw Seth Rogan and thought well maybe it will be funny. I was right to think that it would be funny and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was wrong to think it would be bad because of Zac Efron. I don't really have a lot to say about Neighbors so I'll keep this short.

There really wasn't any character in this movie that I didn't like. Everyone whether their part was big or small did a great job doing what they needed to do for the movie. Seth Rogan and Rose Byrne were a really believable couple aside from maybe how unbelievably bad parents they were. Zac Efron and Dave Franco were really good as frat boys. Both characters were really likable despite the fact that they were pretty big jerks sometimes. Watching the frat and the couple clash was just an all around fun time. I really liked how Zac Efron was not just a jerk. He was a cool guy who was really just afraid of growing up and I enjoyed seeing how he dealt with that fear throughout the movie. It was also cool how Seth Rogans character had kind of a similar problem. He was already grown up but didn't really want to be grown up. So in a way the two characters kind of grew up together.

So overall Neighbors was a funny and entertaining time at the movies. I probably could of gone into greater detail but like I said I don't really feel like it. So go see the movie for yourselves and if your a fan of this kind of humor you should enjoy it the same as I did.

I give Neighbors an 8/10
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