Review of Iron Man

Iron Man (2008)
Great start for the MCU
15 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a big fan of superhero movies every since I was 8 and the first Spiderman movie came out however I was not much of a movie fan overall until The Avengers was released in 2012. So that being said when Iron Man was first released I didn't really care. I did however see the Hulk because unlike Iron Man I had heard of him before because of the 2003 Hulk movie. I finally saw this movie in 2010 right before the release of Iron Man 2 nd have been a fan ever since. I actually did not know that all of these Marvel movies were part of the same universe until about 6 months before The Avengers was released and ever since finding that out I have been immersed into this amazing movie world that Marvel has set up.

Everybody knows the plot to this movie so I don't need to go into detail. Tony Stark is taken prisoner by terrorists he creates Iron Man and escapes and beats the bad guys. It's really awesome to see Iron Man just flying around. In 2008 especially because there had not really been anything like it in a superhero movie before. The way it looks when it flys or in combat it's like watching an actually piece of advanced weaponry entering a war zone. One thing in particular that is really cool to see in this movie is Tony Stark using every possible available resource including his own mind to his advantage. Everything from first building the Iron Man suit to actually using it does a great job showing that Tony Stark is a genius. He proves even this early on in the MCU that he is Iron Man with or without the suit.

The acting like everything else is of course great especially form Robert Downey Jr. Which was of course a big surprise considering he had been on the down slope for at least 10 years prior to the release of this movie. Gwyneth Paltrow did a good job as Pepper Potts though I don't particularly like her as an actor. I don't have anything against her I'm just not a big fan but with that in mind she did a good job throughout the entire trilogy as well as in her short appearance in The Avengers. Her and Robert Downey Jr. work really well together and have a good believable relationship in these movies. Terrence Howard did an OK job as Rhodey but I personally like Don Cheadle a lot more. Of course you can't go wrong with Jeff Bridges in anything so I don't even need to talk about him but I will say he makes a great villain.

So overall Iron Man is a great and really entertaining movie as well as the start of an amazing universe of movies. If you've somehow managed not to see Iron Man yet... why? Between all the easter eggs from comics and other movies the tie ins and the superhero awesomness there is no reason for any comic book or movie fan to be left out of this truly amazing world that Marvel has created.

I give Iron Man a 10/10
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