Psycho-Pass (2012–2019)
A dystopian masterpiece
23 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This anime deserves a standing ovation for its compelling story telling and its mastery of plot twists. The story has a similar premise to Blockbuster movie Minority Report and also has a resemblance to iRobot . Psycho-Pass is set in a dystopian future where crime deterrence and crime punishment is very severe. The Sibyl system - an artificial intelligence network - is a supposedly impartial law enforcing "entity" that is able to discern the mental state of a human, enabling it to judge the criminal activity of their mind. A person with a very cloudy Psycho-Pass - an undesirable murky discolouration manifested on an electronic device - is deemed mentally unstable and needs to be dealt with immediately. Victims and criminals alike may be judged, all at the mercy of the Sibyl system.

The police force consists of intellectuals who work with a select few criminals, known as enforcers, who are responsible for the tracking of other criminals. The notion of working alongside criminals because criminals have a greater intuition when needing to anticipate the actions of another criminal is intriguing. Akane is the female protagonist in the show. She is very clever but lacks the killer- instinct to track down criminals. Her main role is to supervise the enforcers and she has the discretion to kill an enforcer who deviates from their line of duty. Each police force member and enforcer that are on missions, carry a weapon called a dominator which can read the crime coefficient of a target. If the target is judged to be very dangerous, a lethal mode status is declared which primes the dominator for a life ending shot.

Akanae throughout the story is troubled by moral decisions. Her main enforcer partner Kogami is difficult to read. He has his own agenda on his mind and is hell bent on solving an old case that matters a lot to him. What is his dark and sad past? Be prepared to see the development of Akane as she deals with challenging situations and faces predicaments that push her to the very limits. What future awaits Kogami? Will he solve his case?

The anime has many literary and philosophical references e.g. The Most dangerous game, a book by Richard Connell. These references add an extra intellectual dimension to this great anime.

Several crime are committed and there is a mastermind who pulls the strings and orchestrates most of the crimes. The villain is fascinating. He reminded me of Light from Death Note and Johann from Monster. Easily one of the greatest villains conceived.

Furthermore, the Sybil system is very mysterious. What is it? How does it function? These are questions you might ponder and there will be an answer.

The opening theme is very unique. It might take time to get used to it but it fits the dystopian theme really well. Additionally, the animation quality is great which should not be surprising considering that it is a relatively new anime in the grand scheme of things. This anime has great pacing and does not peak early like for example Death Note which suffered from a premature peak after a certain character died.

Overall, if you like dystopian anime, suspense, action and like being intellectually engaged, this anime will grant you immense joy. The plot is just awe-inspiring. What are you waiting for? Go watch it! Oh... and by the way, a second season is already being worked on. Can not wait for it.
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