Tom Cruise surprises me
26 June 2014
I've Never really been much of a fan of Tom Cruise. I don't really know why exactly I've just never been a fan and when I first saw the trailers for Edge of Tomorrow I assumed it would be just another generic action movie. Now that I have seen this movie I am definitely ready to give Tom Cruise another chance because Edge of Tomorrow was actually really cool. Tom Cruise dies in a war against aliens and then wakes up the morning of the battle he dies in and starts all over. Emily Blunt is one of the only people that believes him and helps him understand whats happening. This movie is based off of a manga apparently but I'd never heard of it before this movie's release so I don't know if it follows its source material at all or not.

Tom Cruise has definitely made some bad movies in the past but he is still a good actor. His and Emily blunts characters worked pretty well together both as a tag team in war and even as sort of a couple at some points. Watching Tom Hanks dying over and over again is pretty entertaining. It's kind of like that episode of Supernatural where Dean dies over and over again but not as funny and with a lot more sci-fi explosions. I'm definitely not a professional film critic by any stretch of the imagination. I don't know all the ins and outs of movies like someone who is more professional would but I think I can pretty safely say that the writing, directing, and editing are all pretty well done in this movie without sounding like an idiot. I'm also having kind of a hard time remembering all of the details of exactly what happened in the end because it is kind of up for interpretation which has been something that happens in some great movies. That sort of thing I personally think is a sign of good writing when done well. Obviously the ending is no where near as mind bending as movie's like The Shining but it was still pretty good.

So overall even though the basic plot of Edge of Tomorrow has been done before this it is a pretty good example of it being done well. Edge of Tomorrow is a cool and entertaining science fiction movie.

I'm giving Edge of Tomorrow an 8/10
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