Tammy (2014)
Negative reviews?...So What!
2 July 2014
This is an entertaining fluff piece comedy from the big funny gal, Melissa McCarthy. McCarthy is one of my favorite comic actors of the cable television era, whose brand of humor and hot plumper attitude is both easy on the ears and eyes. For many people with weight problems insulting yourself is a defense mechanism. I should know, I was heavy the first 27 years of my life. I'm still heavier (I've dropped over 100 lbs, I exercise 3+ times a week and I'm dieting, it is slow going but it works) but not as much as I was and I still have a very self deprecating form of humor because it is a coping mechanism. You commonly insult yourself as a way to make people like you. It is a hard habit to break. Also Melissa McCarthy often dons a bit extra padding for most of her roles. She is still a bit heavy, but not as badly as you'd think. Her short stature also makes it look worse than it is.

I often have a tendency to assume that no one will ever like me for who I am so I say things as an insult to myself. Melissa McCarthy however is clearly very confident in who she is. She knows who she is and she doesn't let anything stand in her way. I truly adore her because she's proved that plus size obese women can still be leading ladies. KMelissa McCarthy plays his part well, and is a hilarious character. I recommend you watch this!
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