Review of The Probe

The Outer Limits: The Probe (1965)
Season 2, Episode 17
The Hour Begins Well And Ends Well
20 July 2014
A few people are trapped in a space probe at sea.

It begins to well, it ends well, but that boring 20-question routine in the middle will put you to sleep. This would have been a classic if it only lasted 25 minutes, so do yourself a favour, once act one ends, picture search to act four, and you will have a gem!

The mutant creature seen in this hour actually looks better when seen in colour in the Star Trek episode: Devil In The Dark.

In fact, now that I mention it, there were several times during the 49 episodes of The Outer Limits where I would say: "I would love to see this in colour".

But the B&W is fine, B&W is sometimes good for sci-fi, the B&W first season of Lost In Space looked better than the two colour seasons that came after. So The Outer Limits stands as a gem with only six stinkers in the 49 episode run: not bad at all!
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