Watch with an open mind....
9 July 2014
Too bad some previous raters weren't privy to classified documents on this case. As a S.F. combat vet I know this case more than I'd like to. It's easy to wave the flag and condemn someone psychologically beaten who does things under duress for fear of (further) beatings or worse. He was no way like Jane (POS) Fonda. I was in that war & I support all vets in whatever billet they occupied. Even the presiding judge called the court martial a "long-reaching conspiracy." Bottom line is, we forgot him, he snuck a note to a neutral countries diplomat and when we were forced to take him back what better way to sweep our duplicity under the rug than to make him complicit with the enemy. More than ample anecdotal evidence exists to prove his story. As unpleasant as it may be to patriots, this is a sad case of a HS dropout suffering years at the hands of barbarians and returning home to (surprise) a country that had not supported the troops as in recent wars and the last thing it needed was someone proving he, along with hundreds more (as stated in numerous military, government & diplomatic witness testimony) were left to rot. So...make him the villain. Beat that drum loud & long enough & everyone will think the emperor has clothes on! Remember this: No matter how thin you slice it, there's ALWAYS two sides! I have seen the other side. It is so distasteful, I understand why our government chose to cut this guy lose to save face. They would open a can of worms that would rival Pandora's box. But...that's our government.....
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