22 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Princess & The Pauper is another Barbie installment and tells the story of two young women. One is a princess called Annalise while the other is a commoner called Erika(both voiced by Kelly Sheridan)who switch places as Annalise is kidnapped by an evil lord (voiced by Martin Short who was in Legend Of Oz,Dorothy's return and he was in Treasure Planet) who wants to take control of the kingdom(and if you seen Frozen there is one charcther that does the same thing as this guy,I'm not saying who he is but if you seen it you know what I'm on about).

So its up to Erika to fill in for the princess with Jullian who makes her wear a Blonde wig so that the people at the kingdom will know that its the princess and not the commoner. So he teaches her all about being a princess. But things start getting complicated for Erika as she falls in love with the prince Dominick.

The animation in this is sorta plastic-looking as the animation on the character's hair is sorta fake and not as realistic as the Disney movies like Bolt or Tangled as you can see the hair strands on the character's hair. Here its like a blob of paint. Also I maybe the only one but all the male leads in the Barbie movies are so one-dimensional and they don't have a personality. The songs were cringworthy but still I liked the song A Cat's Meow and If You Love Me For Me which was a cute song.

The villain in this is OK,voiced by Martin Short. He kinda reminds me of a villain that was in a recent Disney movie that I have seen. Except the villain in that was acting all noble and that,whereas here you know that the villain in this movie was evil and bad.

Overall the film was OK,its no Oscar Worthy film and its not the best animated film of all time that would knock your socks off,but still if you got kids who loves Barbie than they'll like it,if not than watch a CGI cartoon that has humor and heart and isn't false looking.

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