This Movie Never Discusses What It Promises
26 July 2014
America offers a view of what would have happened if Britain had won the American Revolution. It opens early on with a scene in which George Washington is shot and killed in a battle, and then never discusses how history would have changed.

It goes beyond mere revisionist history, declaring that Howard Zinn is not a historian, and then using Sen. Ted Cruz as a supposedly historical expert to provide the most simplistic and revisionary version of the basis for the Texas Revolution (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Revolution); claims that Sol Alinski was trained by Frank Nitti (one of Al Capone's strongmen), that everything America has done is right, Hillary Clinton was corrupted by Sol Alinski in her youth, and America is in dire trouble if someone of the producer's status can be arrested for violating it's laws.

If I am going to be subjected to propaganda, I would at least expect to be saved paying the admission fee and being lied to about what I am getting.
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