Review of Magic Men

Magic Men (2014)
3 August 2014
I saw this film at the Jewish Film Festival in San Francisco. Enjoyed it more than I expected. It was promoted as a father-son story, with what seemed to be a focus on the father's disapproval of the son's religiosity. That's part of the story, yes, but really the main plot is about the father's search for the man who saved his life from the Nazis. I had no idea that the Nazis invaded Greece and sent the Jews there to concentration camps. I'd never heard of Jews in Greece but apparently they were part of the Holocaust too. Fascinating story.

Anyway, I was intrigued by the father's journey from Israel to Greece and his search for the man who had rescued him so many years ago. That search leads him and his son into various strange encounters that are both amusing and sad, and some quite surprising. If you have any interest in Jewish and/or Greek history and culture, and can appreciate diversity in Jewish and Greek characters, you will probably enjoy this film. The cinematography highlighted the beauty of Greece and made me want to visit someday...
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