11 August 2014
Filmmakers who neglect producing a good script rarely produce a good movie. Sure, film's a visual medium (but, then, so are comic books)- but all the beautiful imagery in the world is meaningless without a coherent background story. TALES FROM THE SCRIPT is a cautionary tale and, like the documentary THE HECK WITH Hollywood!, it offers some possible solutions for aspiring screenwriters. (Although the solution in THE HECK WITH Hollywood! is to go out and make your OWN movie, without regard to geography, which is probably the BEST advice: as mavericks like George Romero have shown, it IS possible to go out and do it yourself and be successful. With the kind of video technology that exists now, I'm frankly amazed that there aren't MORE independent filmmakers making waves out there...) Posting unproduced scripts online is one way to try to interest potential investors (I may do it myself). The options these days are many. Settling for Hollywood should no longer be the only option.
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