Review of Land Ho!

Land Ho! (2014)
Dreary, Unfunny and Possibly Suicide-Inducing
21 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Actually the spoiler is that there is nothing to spoil about this depressing mess. It has no plot and no story. I'm a man in my 70s, and if at age 30 I'd thought that THIS represented my future I'd have been tempted to end it all right then. The principals are two old men. One has money and has not yet given up on life; the other is less wealthy and having recently divorced is glum, taciturn, self-pitying. The former dragoons the latter to go on vacation in Iceland, which he generously pays for, and relentlessly tries to bully his buddy into cheering up. They smoke some weed. They dance on the beach. There's locker-room humor and fart humor for connoisseurs of same but there is no real humor and no wit. The sound track varies from annoying to hateful. There are some handsome views of Iceland; however, the Northern Lights seem to have been off duty during filming, and I desperately wanted to see something, anything that would make this experience worthwhile.
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