Saccharine Christian Drama...not too bad.
21 August 2014
Wow, that Hadeel Sittu is beautiful and she acts the heck out of her part as a young Muslim girl who converts to Christianity regardless of her devout Islamic father. She was the most impressive actor in this cast with former Superman Dean Cain and Hercules whats-his-name...Kevin something. I watched this movie knowing it was Christian, and not really caring what someone believes in if it helps them get through the misery of their daily lives, I watched it for the story's sake.

It was typical of the David vs Goliath fable where a young man, poorly equipped, stands up against, a seemingly, mightier opponent.This type of myth structure has existed, more than likely, since before the people in Sumer began to write. In the end the hero wins and the opponent is destroyed...which is exactly what happens here. Did the director tell the story in a way that was appealing ? I think so. I was on the side of the hero, I wanted him to slay the dragon-- Metaphorically.

Where the movie fails is that it throws in stories that are meaningless. The Dean Cain role and his girlfriends cancer, the relationship between the professor and his girlfriend was simply devices to make atheists look bad...which is exactly what the atheist professor was trying to do to the Christian hero. Should I say hypocrite? nay, what's the point. Everyone finds ways to justify their own actions. Self-interest rules the day--always, regardless of the method of rationalization.

The movie looks better than most religiously produced movies (outside of the Mormon movies of the late 1970's and early 1980...I think they were called their "Home Front Series", but they were produced with high quality, well directed and edited also). The problem with these films is that often someone is producing who demands screen time for themselves and family members (I thought that the duck dope and his blond wife were such, but I could be wrong. People like him is one of the reasons that Christianity has such a bad name.) Other low budget movies have been ruined by such people (Think of Plan 9 From Outer Space.

I don't care to discuss religion with religionists (I will not call them Theologians either, since that suggests scholarship and let's face it most Christians--as we have found out--are dumb as dirt about their own religion outside of some bashing verses from the Bible), but I really do not give any credence to militant atheists. It is popular to be an atheist and I am beginning to see that some of the stupidest people I have ever met are part of their crowd now. Anyone who is militant about their beliefs suffers from anti social behavior disorders and should be shunned by society...regardless of what they believe.
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