Solar Flare (2008)
Mediocre no-budgeter from Fred Olen Ray
31 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Fred Olen Ray must be one of the most prolific directors working today, although of course quantity is not synonymous with quality. He has always worked with small, in some cases very small, budgets, but in his earlier years he used to creatively circle around his budgetary limitations; in more recent years, he seems to have lost much of his creativity and he just shoots every film with rapid speed to be done with it and move on to the next one ("Solar Destruction" is one of the five (!) he made in 2008). Not able to afford much more than a few flickering light bulbs to depict "global chaos" (plus a terribly fake-looking digital "train crash" at the beginning), Ray fills most of this movie with talk talk talk, with his humorous touch spotted only in a couple of lines, like an Asian chauffeur's "I don't fight, man. I just drive!". Michelle Clunie does kick some ass and does look like she works out regularly; her teenage son can get on your nerves, though. *1/2 out of 4.
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