Dr. Cabbie (2014)
Hokey is as hokey does
16 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hokey is as hokey does. We people tend to think that just because a film is a crossover film, it's quality cinema. It's not. Despite the pretense of realism, Dr. Cabbie is neither realistic nor artistic; it's not even entertaining. There is no attempt to create any art whatsoever. All we get is... flatulence, bloated with egos. The characters are generalized to the hilt. The situations are too familiar and contrived ineptly. The jokes fall flat most of the times. For a flick aiming realism, logic is thrown out of the window. It is not a secret that Indian medical qualifications are not accepted in the west. It is obvious that an immigrant has to study further to qualify as a medical practitioner, then why make a fuss out of the whole thing as if he dropped right from stone age.

The running time is around an hour and forty minutes, it just lags on padded up with needless contrivances. Although we don't expect a "Lunchbox" or a "Life of Pi" all we get is a generic crossover flick probably written while the writer was riding a cab.
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