As the season comes to a close, compromises are made for a better future. Both personally and professionally.
29 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In a whirlwind season, Bill got fired multiple times and opened up his own shop; He and Virginia have been off and on; Bill's brother got introduced; Black people came to Masters of Sex, in a sort awkward way; and Libby found herself a life outside the home. Making for quite an interesting season, even if some parts of it seemed rather forced.

Topic 1: I Want To Take This Relationship To The Next Level – Flo & Austin/ Lester & Barbara

Since the last episode we have made another time leap, but this time it is only around 6 or so weeks, making it around 1/20/1961 [1]. In that time Flo & Austin have continued their agreement of him having sex with her for a job, and Lester and Barbara have officially become a couple. However, these two relationships are very different. If just because Austin, despite the time that has passed, still seems to not have evolved into the mindset of finding Flo attractive as who she presents herself as. But, when she starts mentioning her father has money and connections, and her brothers do too, he then starts taking a genuine interest of her for the sake of his political ambitions. Thing is though, Flo sees through his BS, especially since he makes subtle insults when she rejects him going with her to events her family will be at. But perhaps the two biggest issues is that just now he is looking to advance their relationship, and that she perhaps sees him more as an anatomically correct Ken doll than someone she necessarily wants the family to meet. A huge insult to Austin since he, the way I took it, sees the situation from her being lucky to have someone as attractive as him.

Their drama aside, Barbara and Lester are very much a committed and a cute couple. One which goes to see the movies, hold hands, but isn't having sex. Something which doesn't bother Lester, at first, but with him talking to Dr. Masters about how life, and his relationship with Barbara, won't be fulfilling without sex, it seems both Lester and Barbara are willing to give Bill and Virginia a 2nd chance at helping them.

Topic 2: A Life Outside My Children – Libby & Virginia

From what it seems, Libby and Robert have something continuous going on. Which does present some guilt in Libby, but with her confirming that she knows Bill is having an affair, it seems she doesn't not care about her having one herself. If just because through Robert, and her working with CORE, she has a purpose. One outside of just being a mother which, once they are grown up, means she would have nothing again. For it isn't like she has the type of relationship with Bill which challenges her, is loving, or anything like that. Their marriage has basically degraded into just the piece of paper they both signed. Nothing more, nothing less. Though, I must admit, with her knowing, and suspecting, all this time Virginia and Bill were having an affair, it makes every last one of her conversations with Virginia seem incredibly awkward in retrospect.

Speaking of the mistress, after Virginia's kids spent 6 weeks in Europe with George, he is starting to really dig the idea of them being around him more. So, in light of this, and Virginia's work schedule, he wants to change their arrangement. Something Virginia is immediately against and then decides to go to Herb about to try to do something. Issue is, the divorce papers don't include a signed custody agreement. Then, to make matters worse, Virginia sends Herb to get a signature and he comes back with letting her know George has got lawyers and is ready to go to court. Making it seem Virginia is on the verge of losing her children due to, of all things, the sex study.

Topic 3: The Sacrifices I'm Willing To Make – Bill & Virginia

Leading her to question which will she give up? The study she has given the last few years of her life to, and has lead her down a long and morally questionable road, or give into George and give him more time with the kids? Well, at first, it seems she'd rather sacrifice the study than give into George and his new wife. Likely out of jealousy that he has found happiness with someone while she, at best, is someone's full-time mistress. However, Libby, her sole confidant, tells her that if she was to quit now it would seem very disingenuous to the courts. So, with that piece of advice, she sacrifices her ego, and time with her kids, to continue the study.

Though it seems, due to Bill, her sacrifices might have been in vain. For part of the reason she wanted to quit was how that CBS special would be used against her. However, due to Bill not being ready for exposure, he sabotages the special. How? Well, Scully makes a return and through him Bill got Kaufman's book and it somehow ended up with another network who decided to beat CBS to the punch. Thus making Virginia's sacrifice a bit more hurtful. But, just too really dig the blade in the wound, Ethan is an assistant to Dr. Kaufman. Making it where it seems karma is especially hitting Virginia with all she has. Though, being that Virginia is a fighter, she cries, in Bill's arms, and goes right back to doing the work. For while Kaufman knows how to put things in laymen's terms, he doesn't show data and research. So, with Barbara and Lester the impotence study begins and it will be based off the procedure Virginia and Bill may have perfected thanks to: Foreplay.
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