Couldn't stop watching this -in a car wreck sort of way
13 October 2014
I'm not into heavy Metal music but I couldn't tear my eyes away from this. A bit like a car wreck, it's harrowing yet hopeful as we watch former Pentagram frontman Bobby Liebling battle addiction, depression, disappointment and heartbreak while attempting a late (late) career comeback. Bobby and his band actually never got a contract back in the day as he was an addict even at their beginnings.

When we join him he's living in his aged parents basement and doing crack and meth continuously. He looks ancient, skinny and close to death. One of his fans tries to help him get a new contract and kick a lifelong habit.

This is where the documentary surprised me, watching Bobby clean up and get a new (young) girlfriend and head out on the road, touring. She describes him as being developmentally stunted, and its true its like he was still living in the late 70's because he's been high for so long. There is some suspense involved as you keep wondering if he will make it or not. 04.28.14
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