Plodding and creepy tale of a very sick woman
30 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'd almost forgotten about Annette Bening, but I rather enjoyed several of her performances in earlier years. I never really cared for Ed Harris, but have come to appreciate him more as he has matured. So when I noticed this on cable I thought it might be worth watching. As I began watching it, for a short while I thought it might be almost Hitchcockian...but unfortunately, it was not. First of all, Hitchcok's films were never plodding, and the early part of this film is very plodding. Of course, Benning's character is depressed after the drowning death of her husband. But it seems to be in a plodding phase a little too long. It begins to perk up a tad when she begins seeing a man who looks like he could be her husband's twin brother (Ed Harris). And this is where there could have been such a wonderful Hitchcockian plot. But alas, it's just a story about a depressed woman who obsesses over the man who likes like her dead husband.

Once you realize where the story is going, you settle in for the long wait...the wait to find out how Harris' character finds out that Benning's character loves him for all the wrong reasons.

Benning does a nice enough job here, although I actually think Harris' performance is stronger. My big question is why did Robin Williams agree to play the third wheel (a neighbor whose wife died). Williams is fine enough in the part, but it seems a bit beneath him.

There are a couple of things wrong with this film, and while this may not be a big thing, who the heck selected Annette Benning's wardrobe. PU. The other thing is that Annete Benning's character is so creepy, that Harris' character would be a fool to fall in love with her. I mean it...really creepy! Of course, the climax of the film comes when Harris finally figures out that Benning is "in love" with him because he looks like her ex-husband. Of course, for a few minutes you wonder if one or both of them will also drown, and... And I'm not sure at all how I feel about the final ending of the film.

Do I recommend this? No. Well, maybe if nothing else is on the cable channels that you want to watch.
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