Review of White Rabbit

White Rabbit (I) (2013)
And if you go chasing rabbits. And you know you're going to fall...
31 October 2014
With the image of a demonic bipedal white rabbit still imprinted on some of our minds, we are now introduced to a quadrupedal white/albino eastern cottontail, with less than angelic influential motivations reaped upon our teenage deviant. Although somewhat darker in nature than the bipedal rabbit, this one gives us homicidal urges rather than precognitive events (one could argue that observation) and pyromaniac tendencies. And if one is familiar with Swedish (and botched Hollywood clones) of a similar genre the: "fight back" scene may also seem familiar to some.

When I was a youngster, my sister was driven by my mom for her weekly ballet lessons, my other sibling was taught signing, my little brother labored under his ventriloquist instructor. Me - I was dropped off at the public library to diligently study books about rabbit hunting, got about 3/4s of the way down the rabbit hole before I found my way out. Most likely the reason for this review.
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