Comedy Strain
2 November 2014
It's called Suburban Gothic for a reason. There may not seem to be a real goal or something this movie is heading towards (none the main character can see at least), but the ride we take with it, is so much fun, that you might not care. Ray Wise is exceptional as the bad father figure, setting the tone early on. But in a very funny way, so that you can't really be mad at him.

Humor is something that is hard to grasp or be sure about. Like obviously this is awkward and weird in a way, that will either entice the viewer or appall them. Kat Dennings seem to be shoe-in for the role she's playing, because we've seen her play similar characters before. Without knowing her you could be fooled into thinking that it's very close to who she really is. But no matter if that is true or not, this movie thrives on her and every other actor, who play their role exceptionally
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