Byzantium (2012)
Neil Jordan's other Vampire movie...not bad but lacks teeth.
2 November 2014
Not at all a follow-up to Interview With The Vampire, Jordan explores vampire mythos again with this tale of two female vampires living in modern Ireland. This film is lovely to watch and both main actresses,Gemma Arterton (Clara) and Saoirse Ronam (Eleanor) are wonderful in their craft. The former a mother, who, as a child is forced into prostitution and later illness, she escapes by becoming a vampire. Eleanor, the daughter Clara gave up in the brothel she is forced to work in, is also given the dark gift which is against a very masculine-run Vampire code.

Forgive me for using the word vampire, a word avoided in this film-- as it is with all art vampire films, but the word fits better than any other. Although Jordan is generous in giving us the back story, the real story is in the "now", as these two ladies are drawn into conflict with each other due to their opposite personalities.

For me this film suffers from lack of fangs, it misses the "bite" of a true vampire film. It is fun to watch, but it is just another part of a vampire legacy I do not care for. Personally, I believe as humans move toward a more secular world devoid of the old myths it is harder to pay homage to evil...and without evil, good cannot overcome in the end..
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