The Addams Family (1964–1966)
Why was this cancelled?
2 November 2014
I don't get it. I was a kid of about 10 or so when this was being shown. There was a lot of junk on TV even then with just 3 channels - nothing like the tons of junk on now - but stuff well below the quality of this show. Case in point, the pretty mindless Munsters, which lasted longer than this show. Astin as Gomez, Carolyn as Morticia, Coogan as Fester, I could go on and on about TV's most unusual family and their orchestrated toy train wrecks, odd meals and even odder household pets. So why did it all end so quickly? Were the jokes too sophisticated for the viewers? I don't know, but I know we watched it to the bitter end of its run and well into syndication. This is being shown on This TV locally so keep an eye out for it, one of the top 10 television gems of the 60's.
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