Son of God (2014)
Romy Downey's Savor movie mundane rehash of familiar epic.
9 November 2014
Well...I don't have to tell you how this film ends, however, for those who live on Mars: a young girl gets pregnant by a storm god and gives birth to his son. The son goes on a journey of enlightenment and shares his findings with his people. Typical conventions of the time period that the source material was written in. Where this story changes is that the people reject the "enlightenment" and crucify the Storm God's son. Being a demigod the man is resurrected and sends his followers out in the world to teach his "Gospel".

I thought Mel Gibson's movie told the story better and even the long ago "Greatest Story Ever Told" was a more interesting version of this particular story. The problem, I suppose, is the fact that this film is made by fundamentalist Christians. I am not saying that Mr. Gibson is not a little "out there" too, but his film is delightfully filmed by Caleb Derschanel one of the greatest cinematographers alive today. This film is an extended, re- edit, of a television program (that I did not see) and looks a little sliced and diced.

Nevertheless, I think it is a film that true believers will like. Jesus still is whipped (which I always hate seeing), has to carry that darn cross while fainting along the way, and is finally crucified is a very graphic way. There is lot's of blood and gore, much more than the original Friday the Thirteenth slasher film so I would advise to let the Christian kiddies sit this one out.

Outside of a mundane telling of a familiar tale, the acting is pretty good. Otherwise there is not much here for non-believers, historians, film enthusiasts or just about anyone who does not buy into the idea that The Bible is relevant. If you fit in this latter category -- skip this film. I suggest Hamlet II just for the song "Rock Me Sexy Jesus"...oh heck, I'll just provide it here for you>
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