Review of Self Help

The Walking Dead: Self Help (2014)
Season 5, Episode 5
Character development for Abraham and Eugene!
10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There were a lot of intriguing things to enjoy about this episode, but then it again, it resembles the Season 4 routine of sticking with one group for one whole episode before moving on to the next. In hindsight it can be a little repetitive, but there were a lot of new elements to enjoy in this latest instalment.

Particularly there were some new details about Abraham. Evidently he is a troubled soldier who's previous experiences in the walking dead world are the deaths of his wife and children - quite a traumatic experience to have and one that has probably shaped his feelings so far. The recurrence of his bleeding hand was a nice touch to show how his character is quite vulnerable to his stubbornness.

Eugene also gets a little back story with their involvement in the show going full circle, with a neatly correlated explanation for their reason to journey north to Washington D.C. Eugene's decision to tamper with the engine of the Church Bus was a little confusing at first, but we soon realised that his whole plan to get to D.C. was a scam from the beginning in order to get to a safe place. He may have been a scientist, but he had different intentions in the end.

The wide shot of the Walkers was impressive near the end, and really showed how this series had progressed and how widespread this infestation really is. At the best of times, overwhelming opponents are the scariest opponents - we all remember what happened in Beside the Dying Fire!
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