The Walking Dead: Self Help (2014)
Season 5, Episode 5
Helped Eugene and Abraham's character
10 November 2014
Yes, the troop to DC start their journey. This episode does not take us through that journey but invests more time in character building.

The episode is centered on Eugene's character more. We finally get to see something more about him. The locations are well shot and so are the props around the characters. More Walker Kills, in cool ways add more positive points to this episode.

The first 3 seasons of the Walking dead were more story oriented making it interesting to average audience. Fourth season was entirely focused on character building, which might not be liked by everyone, who expect considerable story pace in each episode. This season started with rapid story telling, has it speed since last two episodes, focusing more on characterization and emotions. Yes, the walker killing scenes have increased compared to last season.

Whenever we view two episodes that lack story movement, we should expect a fast paced episode next in The walking dead series.

My Rating 7.3/10
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