Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hide and Q (1987)
Season 1, Episode 9
10 November 2014
Initially, I strongly disliked the Q episodes...though over time they got better and better--and seemed to have a point to them. But at this point, he still appears to be a butt-head who simply takes delight in jerking the Federation around and toying with the Enterprise. In this case, he takes a group of crew members (led by Riker) to a lonely planet and treats them as honored least initially. During this meeting, he proposes a game-- one where he endows Riker with AMAZING Q-like powers. And, you wonder if all this power might corrupt it might change him into something other than a loyal member of the Federation.

Overall, this comes off as a VERY preachy episode of the series and really doesn't do a lot to endear the viewer towards Q--a being you'll come to really like in later episodes. A bit dull and far from enjoyable.
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