Another Classic ruined by yet another awful sequel.
15 November 2014
It seems that there are a lot of great movies that don't need to have a sequel, yet somehow they are given one. Dumb And Dumber To can be put on the list of bad sequels.

Did the Farrlley Bros merely use this to cash in on the cult classic? Maybe, and I mean, who wouldn't?

Where do I start. There is NO DIRECTION in this movie. There is hardly any substance into the plot. The acting was really bad, and I am gonna call out Jeff Daniels specifically. We all know Jim Carey is a comedic actor.... that's it. We aren't expecting any Oscar worthy performances from him. Now Jeff Daniels is a notable actor who has done almost every genre. He also just won an Emmy for Best Lead Actor In A Drama Series for "The Newsroom". This was a different Harry Dunn in this movie. It was awful.

Lloyd says in the beginning "Comedy is all about timing", and it's ironic because the timing was miscued for 75% of the movie. The movie drags along for quite awhile. It becomes very dull, and there was a 20-25 minute period where nobody in the theater laughed. THAT IS NOT GOOD IF YOU'RE WATCHING A COMEDY.

Were there some funny moments? Yes. Was it nice to see Harry and Lloyd? Of course! But I gotta say that this movie may kill Carey's/ Farrelly Bros career. This movie basically felt like it was made 18-15 years too late. It was very outdated.

Those who grade this higher than a 5 must have missed out on the original... because this was garbage. Very sad and disappointed. Don't waste your time.
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