Beat the Clock (1950–1961)
"Next Time Might Be Your Time.............
19 November 2014
...............To Beat The Clock!"

WEEKLY DOSE OF humorous situations created by obstructing otherwise simple tasks with silly complications. We don't know how else we could describe it!

HAVING VETERAN RADIO Actor Bud Collyer (he voiced the Man of Steel on THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN Radio Show) as the Host/MC, this mark Goodson-Bill Todman Production was a very popular series for over a decade; first ob CBS and later on ABC. There were no pretensions of its being High Art or PBS pseudo classy stuff. Fun of the participating contestants and the amusement of the viewers were paramount.

AFTER COMPLETING THE assigned task(s) within the allotted time limit, the in-studio folks chosen to compete would receive whatever prizes for which they were eligible. A typical stunt would be introduced by MC Mr. Collyer with something like this:

"Yes, Mr. Schultz, all you have to do is carry six eggs one at a

time up this ladder and put them in that bucket. You have 45

seconds to do. Ha, ha, ha, ha! But we didn't tell you that you

have to wear a pair of roller skates and be blindfolded!"

WELL, WE DO exaggerate, but you get the picture!

OVER THE YEARS we know that the show had many $ponsor$; but for some inexplicable reason we remember that Sylvania Light Bulbs was one of their early commercial advertisers.

IT IS TRULY strange how we can remember things like this, yet we cannot recall what our spouses told us this morning! Isn't tat right, Schultz?
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