The Walking Dead: Crossed (2014)
Season 5, Episode 7
A Mixed Bag of Goods that Outweigh Bads
24 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of The Walking Dead brings us back to a similar tempo to what we had at the beginning of the season, as opposed to the three previous (and mostly filler) episodes. This episode focuses on all three (now four) groups of survivors, and while each of their stories progress only slightly, it creates the perfect blend of everything we've grown to love and hate from this show. There is action and plan-making from Rick's group. There is the self centered and paranoid Father Gabriel, whom I love to hate. On top of that, I didn't even mind the very little time that the episode spent on Beth at the hospital, because it that storyline had been in an episode like Slabtown, that would have taken up half of the episode! If there was anything disappointing or uneventful, it was the stalemate Abraham's group that gave Rosita very little back-story, showed Glenn fishing, and had Abraham staring into the distance the entire time. My verdict is that this episode definitely got me ready for the mid-season finale with a reoccurring false sense of hope looming over my shoulder throughout. Now that we're all caught up with these characters, I can't wait to see how the hospital battle goes down, who turns on who, and what exactly Father Gabriel will do to mess up everything for the group. *One side note...where the hell is Morgan?* 8.75/10
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