Of Drugs and Power
27 November 2014
The drugs business is a multi-million pound industry, and the head of the Sinaloa cartel, known as 'El Chapo', or 'Shorty' in English, was a semi-public figure. So how come he lived so long without arrest? He was finally captured earlier this year, but it seems that the authorities were complicit in his freedom, perhaps because it's easier to have a Mr. Big (or Mr. Small?) controlling a cartel than to cut off the head and look at what's inside. In 'The Legend of Shorty' two film-makers, who have an established interest in the subject, attempt what the U.S. and Mexican governments apparently could not do, and track down the man in person. Their quest illustrates the sad state of contemporary Mexico, and the damage that the cartels, and the war on drugs, have done to the country. It's a revealing portrait, enlivened by some brilliant Tex-Mex songs about El Chapo and the life in his gangs, but fundamentally depressing. Something is rotten in the state of Mexico; and it's hard to believe that Shorty's eventual arrest will actually change that much.
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