Review: The Kid with a Bike
11 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first film I've seen from the Dardenne brothers and after watching this I will surely be checking out their other stuff. One thing that really stood out to me while watching this was that nearly every scene was shot in one continuous take, this combined with great acting created some fantastic moments. The acting felt real, and even the performance from Thomas Doret felt authentic and I'm happy to say the rest of the cast also put a huge amount of dedication towards their character.

However the film is let down by a few things. A few characters felt a little underdeveloped especially Samantha and there were a few times where I found their actions to be a little unbelievable (like when Samantha goes and adopts Cyril it felt a little spontaneous). Also another thing worth mentioning is that there is a scene where Cyril attacks a father and son with a baseball bat to steal their cash, and Cyril actually knocks them both out with one hit. I highly doubt a boy could take down a grown man and a teenager with one weak hit but okay.

All in all; its a good movie. I loved the music, acting and directing and it's worth seeing. 7/10
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