An Honest Review
14 December 2014
I have to say that trying to make a film based on religious and Biblical stories is never an easy task, and i like that Ridley Scott accepted that challenge, though the odds where always against him. I see a lot of negative reviews here, and i can see where they come from. the biggest problem with the film, is that we all know the story already, we read it so many times and watched several older film based on the same story, this really takes out a lot of the intrigue associated with watching a film. for example, as the movie goes on, i was constantly thinking, OK so when will Moses be banished, and then after that, OK so when will the plague start. so basically i was waiting for the next event to occur which eliminates the joy of watching this.

Other people are not happy with the religious aspects of the film, this is of no bother to me, because it is just a movie and the director is trying to take his own vision on the story. I am not going to be upset with changes from what is written in the scriptures, it is just a movie!

Having said all that, the movie still suffers in certain areas in terms of film making. As many have already mentioned, the casting director did not do a great job with the cast, for me, i did not mind seeing Bale as Moses, he is a great actor and can blend in any role, and at least he has a dark complexion and dark hair. My problem was with Aaron Paul, the guy just does not pass as a Jew in anyway, he is white, blue eyes, blond hair, tiny body! he just does not fit as a Jew in anyway! i was distracted by his presence in the movie, not that he is a bad actor.

the Cinematography and Direction, were brilliant, so were the special effects. However, we all know that these alone do not make a great movie. the film suffered from pacing problems, midway and around the end, the pace was very slow making the film feel boring at times. again, us knowing and constantly waiting for the next event might have also contributed to that! acting was also very good, Bale was excellent.

so to summarize, i think the film is unjustly being bashed as the worst film in history, which is not the case, it is still a watchable film but it does have flaws, ending up being an average film. could have been better. But i am not sure how to make such a story better?? do you?
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