How I Met Your Mother: The Bracket (2008)
Season 3, Episode 14
Neil Patrick Harris Prominent Again In Seasons Best Episode So Far
17 December 2014
Plot In A Paragraph: Barney has been trying to pick up women as usual, and as usual things are initially going well with his plays, but if he steps away for a few seconds he returns for the woman to give him a slap across the face. He finds out what's going on when seen with Barney, Lily is approached by a woman telling her that Barney is a lying cheat that will say and do whatever just to get into her pants. As the woman Lily describes could be a number of the women that Barney has slept with then abandoned, Barney has to figure out who she is, but only Lily knows what she looks like.

Neil Patrick Harris is an absolute delight here, I seem to right that almost every episode of late, he has been the best character in this show for several episodes in a row now. I love him, I think he is fantastic.
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