Chuck: Chuck Versus the Goodbye (2012)
Season 5, Episode 13
Chuck Vs. The End
18 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So I have watched this series twice now. The first time I watched these final two episodes, the whole time I was shouting in my head "get your memories back!!!!". I honestly hated both of these episodes, "how could they do this to my Chuck and my Sarah" I though, and "I need a happy ending".

The second time I watched the series my opinions on these episodes changed. I have grown to love and appreciate these episodes. They were full of amazing easter eggs, mainly from the pilot episode, such as the virus, the Wienerlicious, most importantly the beach scene, and a few other less noticeable ones ;). In the final scene we fine Chuck now telling Sarah to trust him.

This ending I feel goes perfectly with the love element of this show which is no matter how hard Chuck and Sarah try and how close they get, they never get anything they want, and something always pulled back in the end. The song at the end "Rivers and Roads" is also perfect for this ending, it to me shows that Chuck and Sarah have been through so much, but most importantly, Chuck will go to the ends of the earth, and do anything to win his Sarah back. When she tells Chuck to tell her their story, I feel the tears coming, when the song starts to play I ball my eyes out (the first show to ever make me cry), and when she says "Chuck....Kiss Me" I totally lose it. The beach scene is one of the most beautiful scenes in TV history.

It doesn't matter that everything isn't tied up in a neat little bow, because if you don't believe that they fall back in love and she slowly remembers her Chuck, then you clearly missed the point of the whole series. This was a fantastic ending to one of the best shows ever to grace TV, and I wish it didn't have to end.

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