Poker Night (I) (2014)
Poor Reviews?
31 December 2014
Watched this on Itunes the other day. After I watched it I looked up reviews and other info. I mean come on Ron Perlman and Giancarlo Esposito? One review said flashbacks within flashbacks exhaust the viewer. I mean I get the review but I disagree. I think you get caught up in the stories. From what I can tell this didn't have a huge budget but what it lacked in money it makes up by keeping you engaged. The acting is solid. The story telling is cool. The characters and editing move it along kinda Guy Richie/David Fincheresque meets Saw type feel. I found myself yelling at the computer. Where one reviewer felt exhausted I felt I was entertained. This is one I say watch for your self and don't listen to critic reviews. Remember it is a genre film and not looking I think to win any awards. No one in the movie seemed to be trying to make a movie to change the world. If you like hip storytelling and popcorn flicks this movie is for you. Put it in your queue!
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