Very interesting Private Snafu cartoon without being one of the best of the series
6 January 2015
No Buddy Atoll to me is not quite among the best Private Snafu cartoons like Spies and Booby Traps are, not quite as funny as them and not as daring as a lot of the other cartoons in the series. The cartoon also for my tastes takes a little too long to set up. It is still very interesting however mainly to see a surprisingly mature Snafu and a Looney Tunes-like(the Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam comparison is apt) rapport between him and the Japanese general. It's also still very entertaining, the gags and dialogue still amuse and the chemistry between Snafu and the general is what holds the cartoon together and it's wonderfully witty. Snafu is very funny and endearing if different to how he's usually portrayed, and while the Japanese general is rather stereotypical(not offensively though) it was interesting and amusing to see a character for a change more inept than Snafu. The animation is crisp and smooth, the music rouses the spirits and adds a lot of character to the cartoon- it is Carl Stalling after all- and the story while not the most exceptional of stories moves at a sprightly pace. Mel Blanc does a stellar job with the voices of both Snafu and the general. In conclusion, not one of the best Private Snafu cartoons but still good fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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