The Avengers: The Hour That Never Was (1965)
Season 4, Episode 9
What happened in the missing hour?
15 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As this episode opens we see a dog running across a road; it causes Steed to crash his car. A little shaken but unhurt he and Mrs Peel get out and walk to their nearby destination; am RAF base that is due to close the next day. They were going to the closing party but strangely nobody seems to be around. They start searching then they see a milkman running away; suddenly things turn from strange to sinister as a shot rings out killing the man. Steed and Mrs Peel split up and Steed meets a man who had been looking through the bins for a free drink; he tells Steed about the dog which caused the crash. Suddenly there is an ear-piercing noise that disorientates them. Steed is knocked on his head and wakes up back in his car. He returns to the airbase and discovers the party in full swing and is told Mrs Peel as called to apologise for not attending… did he imagine it all while unconscious after the crash or is something far more sinister afoot?

I hadn't watched 'The Avengers' for many years and when I heard it was being aired on an obscure channel this was the first episode I caught. It didn't take long to get be gripped; the empty aerodrome had a nicely sinister feel and the feeling that there may be danger was introduced gentle with shots of the dead goldfish then amplified with the death of the milkman. Then Steed's return to his car introduced the element of paranoia; both he and the viewer had to question whether what we had previously seen was real or imagined. The conclusion doesn't quite live up to the build-up but it does feature an enjoyable fight even if the leaking laughing gas made it a bit silly. Overall a pretty solid episode.
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