Weak film, average at best!
19 January 2015
I am really starting to believe that the Academy Awards are corrupt and they tend to nominate films and directors based on names and not based on the actual movie. still they do make some worthy nominations, but films like American Sniper being nominated really pisses me off!! OK, so i understand that its based on a real American hero, and that is nice, but telling the story was terrible here, the film fails as a motion picture to watch, yet it still gets the nomination for an Oscar for best picture. One thing i know for sure, it won't win!!

the film is a series of clichés, one after the other, totally predictable from start to finish, and rips off many war films lacking in originality to the story. the whole film feels so familiar and you would seem to feel you have watched it before in countless movies and TV shows before, the whole American soldier struggling with emotions and effects of war, the PTSD, just lame and done soooo many times before, its old!

I also understand that at times, you need to retell stories, and remake certain genres of movies and reintroduce them with a new twist or take, but here, the visions of Eastwood as director lacks big time and he does not add anything special or worthy to the film.

Bradely Cooper does a good job, he is a good actor. but again, his role here was typical and the storyline did not help.

some nice action sequences here and there, but nothing that tops a Call of duty game action scene.

the whole film feels empty, it suffers from void. and despite the prolonged character development, you still don't get strongly attached to the characters, especially the wife who keeps complaining that Chris is always away, and when he is at home, he is not really there!! we really don't see her suffering, and so she ends up being a whining lame wife.

A weak film, predictable, average at best.
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