The Battery (2012)
Not Worth the Hype, but Not as Bad as the Bashing Either
31 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This seems to be one of those horror movies that really polarizes the audience. I guess, in many ways, you could say that's true of most of the horror genre, but some movies seem to really push the divide among the audience.

On one hand, I've read many really positive reviews of this movie, not just from places like HORRORHOUND and FANGORIA, but on the boards and reviews as well. Then, check out a site like NETFL*X and skim the reviews and it's full of one stars proclaiming this to be the most boring zombie movie ever. After watching this movie, I think that my opinion is that both sides are probably exaggerating their view a little too much. Those who love this movie would have you believe that it's some indie horror triumph, a classic of character study. I think, at times, it just becomes hip to praise a movie because others said it was good. Yes, I think that the two actors in this movie did an excellent job for a low-budget chiller. I did think that the director (and one of the stars) did an admirable job of building the relationship of these characters through the course of the film. That doesn't, though, excuse the fact that vast patches of this movie contain nothingness.

That is not to say that I'm totally on board with those who would have you believe this is a boring failure. There are always going to be fringe zombie fans who hear "good zombie movie" and expect THE WALKING DEAD. This is not a movie that the average blood and guts fan is going to enjoy. There is little zombie interaction, almost no gore and little action. The viewer has to appreciate a movie with a little more of an artistic leaning, but with all of that said, the movie spends far too much time dwelling in its' characters that little ever happens to make this movie memorable. A huge chunk of the run-time feels like someone's home movie of their vacation to the zombie apocalypse. It's just two guys wandering around, listening to headphones and playing baseball. I can appreciate a movie that wants to take time to develop, but I need certain beats along the way. I need to be propelled into feeling like something is truly developing. Instead, I found myself checking my Twitter account now and then because all I was missing was another shot of one of the characters munching on an apple or staring into space while bad indie rock plays.

I'm giving it a 6 because my rating system says that 5 is average, and I believe that this is slightly above that mark. I give it a lot of credit for trying something and I think that the director has a future. Like most young directors, though, he needs to learn that being an intelligent movie is not always enough because, in the end, we all watch movies to be entertained foremost and this most didn't do that enough for me.
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