Chance To Redeem Last Four Years
20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lorre had one last chance to reach out to the actor that made this show a classic and bring back Sheen one last time to pay homage to the guy that made this show. Instead, he struck out with the bat on his shoulder using a lame shot of Charlie (if that was Sheen)with no lines.

The finale was a continued slow burn to the bottom of TV shows led by poor writing and acting trying to make money using the name of great TV show. Since Sheen left the show it has attempted to survive using known characters with a new lead but without Sheen/Charlie the show became unfunny and difficult, if not hard, to watch.

The series finale tried to use smoke and mirrors with numerous cameo's to hide the fact that the one person everybody wanted to see was missing. It also continued to be the unfunny show that fans of Charlie never liked.

The other problem with the spin off (which is really what the last four years became) the writers decided to drastically change Allan into someone a viewer of the first eight years would not recognize while dropping good secondary characters so that less funny and interesting characters could take their place.

A glaring example is the introduction of a new child character trying to recapture the magic of Jake, which did not work because the story line behind the character was weak and the actor is not funny.

The brief cameo of Angus Jones illustrated his character is still likable and funny even as an adult.

When Lorre fired Sheen, the show should have been canceled so the show's reputation would not be damaged by the Kutcher years but making money overruled common sense.
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