Tricking the 12 years watchers is Cheating and totally disgraceful.
20 February 2015
In the vanity card at the very end of the closing credits you guys will see that Chuck Lorre was a douche to Charlie Sheen till the last breath .but the entire episode is a colossal red herring — building up to a climax that never happens.

It was a cheap ploy for ratings, bating the audience with the possible appearance of Sheen. Then it's like, "get lost audience" those 12 years of watching… and the final moment we trick you." Despicable!

they said they offered Charlie a role but he didn't like it and he wanted to do some other one of his own ,, oh i would watch charlie even if it was for a minute telling the audience to F.. off :P .. I'm really disappointed .

Honestly i don't even know why i gave it 3 stars !! maybe it's because i'm a loyal fan !! or it's for bringing Jake back even for a 40 second !! :\
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