Great way to end a long running show...
20 February 2015
For years this was our favorite show. We watched (and re-watched) the episodes, wishing there were more funny sitcoms that could achieve such greatness. For us, Charlie was never the "funny" one...but he was there to set up the rest of the extremely talented cast members who were usually very, very funny. In fact, we frankly grew tired of Charlie making kissing noises as he sucked the face of every female in sight. That "joke" tended to cloy after a while, but we chalked it up to just being part of a show we loved. After Charlie's infamous "meltdown" we sort of lost interest in seeing him in anything and after the show shifted gears (and cast members) we found other ways to spend our time. However, when we learned that the "finale" was coming on, we were anxious to see what would happen. We were not disappointed. Everyone at our house was convulsing with laughter and, as each former cast member made an appearance, we speculated on whether Charlie would appear. No one really cared, he was practically in every scene anyway...without making an appearance. The ending was funny and satisfying. We saw our favorites, including Berta, Rose, Evelyn, Judith and so many more. Totally enjoyable...and the puppet sequence was great. See it if you get a chance...I know I'll watch it again.
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